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2023年10月18日晚,应杏彩体育 高电压工程系李化教授的邀请,圣彼得堡彼得大帝理工大学(Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University,SPbPU)的Victor Belko教授 和Andrey Plotnikov副教授前来杏彩体育 进行学术交流讲座。
讲座由李化教授主持,60余名师生共同参加了本次讲座。副院长刘毅教授首先介绍了学校和学院情况,并对二位专家的来访表示热烈欢迎。李化教授介绍了SPbPU的基本情况,并表达了双方在科学研究和人才培养等方面的合作愿景。在交流环节,Victor Belko教授做了主题为“Experimental and Numerical Studies on Advanced Electrical Insulation Research and Development Center of SPbPU”的讲座,首先介绍了SPbPU和高电压高等研究所和先进绝缘材料中心的研究方向和团队,随后分享了在旋转电机多物理场计算、薄膜电容器试验与仿真等方面的最新研究进展。在提问环节,杏彩体育 师生积极与Prof. Victor Belko开展互动交流,现场气氛活跃。本次讲座激发了师生的思维活力,拓展了研究视野,促进了学科交叉融合。
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University简介:
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University,中文名为圣彼得堡彼得大帝理工大学,原为苏联列宁格勒加里宁工学院,是俄罗斯国家研究型大学、5-100计划大学。
Prof. Victor Belko简介:
Prof. Victor Belko was born in Shevchenko, USSR. He received the PhD degree in electric engineering from the Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University(SPbPU), Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 2010. He was a visiting PhD student and scientist with RWTH, Aachen, Germany from January to March 2007 and 2010, respectively. He is a member of the CIGRE, IEEE (Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation and Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Societies), Russian National Standards committees and commissions. Prof. Belko was the recipient of the Russian Ministry of education medal and St.Petersburg government awards for his scientific works in the area of electric insulation. He is currently the Director of Higher School of High-Voltage Engineering and Director of Advanced electrical insulation research and development center (AEIR’n’DC) in SPbPU.