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IEEE CIYCEE 2020中国电气工程国际青年会议征稿通知
第一届中国电气工程国际青年会议China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE 2020)将于2020年11月2日至11月4日在华中科技大学杏彩体育 召开。大会由IEEE华中科技大学工业应用协会学生分会(IEEE IAS SBC)主办,IEEE华中科技大学电力电子协会学生分会(IEEE PELS SBC)协办,并获得IEEE、IEEE IAS、IEEE PELS、IEEE IAS Wuhan Chapter、华中科技大学杏彩体育 以及创新电机技术研究中心的大力支持。
CIYCEE 2020将专注于“Innovation from the Youth, Reforming for the Future”。本次青年会议既涵盖电气工程的传统领域,也重视富含活力的前沿交叉学科领域,旨在为来自世界各国、不同科研方向的青年学者和学生提供探讨、交流未来电气工程技术的高质量学术平台。CIYCEE 2020将包含特邀学术报告、工业技术报告、主题口头汇报、海报展示、职业发展交流会等,为参会人员提供充分展示、交换在电气领域的最新研究成果、想法和应用的机会,以及与专业人士、企业代表交流和建立联系的无与伦比的机会。
本次会议是IEEE IAS支持的“Student-Led Conference”,会议的主要筹办工作由学生负责,教授、老师及其他专业人士将作为大会的技术顾问。本届会议由IEEE HUST IAS SBC主席、博士研究生周游任大会主席,杏彩体育 研究生会主席、硕士研究生张毅任大会共同主席,IEEE HUST PELS SBC主席、博士研究生李安、以及博士研究生梁子漪、张远志和硕士研究生房莉任大会副主席。杏彩体育 副院长张明教授、IEEE IAS Wuhan Chapter、IEEE HUST IAS SBC指导老师曲荣海教授、IEEE HUST PELS SBC指导老师陈材副教授、杏彩体育 研究生辅导员许文立老师将担任本次会议的主要指导顾问。
CIYCEE 2020录用文章将由IEEE出版至会议论文集,提交IEEE Xplore、EI检索。优秀论文推荐至IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications审稿(本届会议为首届,推荐比例约为5~10%)。会议论文采用全文投稿形式,全文为英文双栏撰写,至少5页,计及参考文献和作者介绍不超过7页,具体格式规范参见附件。更多会议详细信息可参见会议官方网站。
※ 论文截稿时间:2020年9月15日
※ 接收通知时间:2020年9月30日
※ 摘要投稿要求://
※ IEEE IAS官方通知://
2020 IEEE China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering
The first China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE 2020) will be held in the school of Electrical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, on November 2nd~4th, 2020. The conference is hosted by IEEE IAS SBC, and is co-organized by IEEE PELS SBC, with technical support from IEEE, IEEE IAS, IEEE PELS, IEEE IAS Wuhan Chapter, HUST School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Center for Advanced Electrical Machines and Drives (CAEMD).
CIYCEE 2020 will focus on "Innovation from the Youth, Reforming for the Future". This youth conference not only covers the traditional fields of electrical engineering, but also focuses on the dynamic frontier interdisciplinary fields, aiming to provide a high-quality academic platform for young scholars and students from different countries and research fields to discuss and exchange ideas about future electrical engineering technologies. CIYCEE 2020 will contain special academic report, industrial technology report, oral presentation, poster presentation, professional development seminar, etc., providing the attendees with the opportunity to display and exchange their latest research ideas, results and applications in the field of electrical engineering, as well as the unparalleled opportunity of starting communication and connection with professionals or business representatives.
This conference is one of the "student-led Conferences" supported by IEEE IAS. The students are responsible for the main organization of the conference. Professors, teachers and other professionals will act as technical advisers to the conference. The conference is chaired by Mr. Zhou You, Chair of IEEE HUST IAS SBC, and co-chaired by Mr. Zhang Yi, President of Postgraduate Union of SEEE. Mr. Li An, Chair of IEEE HUST PELS SBC, Ms. Liang Ziyi, Mr. Zhang Yuanzhi and Ms. Fang Li will be the vice chairmen of the conference. Prof. Zhang Ming, Deputy Dean of SEEE, Prof. Qu Ronghai, Chair of IEEE IAS Wuhan Chapter, and Advisor of IEEE HUST IAS SBC, Associate Prof. Cheng Cai, Advisor of IEEE HUST PELS SBC, and Ms. Xu Wenli, Postgraduate Instructor of SEEE will serve as the main guidance consultants for this conference.
Articles accepted by CIYCEE 2020 will be published by IEEE to proceedings of the conference and submitted to IEEE Xplore and EI for retrieval. Excellent papers are recommended for review by IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (As it is the first CIYCEE to be held, the recommending proportion of articles is about 5-10%). The conference paper shall be submitted in the form of full-text submission. The full text shall be written in English double-column with at least 5 pages, including no more than 7 pages of references and biography. Please refer to the attachment for specific format specifications. More detail information can be found on the official website of CIYCEE 2020.
※ Paper Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2020
※ Author Notification: September 30th, 2020
※ Call for Paper Website: //
※ IEEE IAS Official Notice for Upcoming Conferences: //
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