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地址:湖北省·武汉市 珞瑜路1037号 华中科技大学电气大楼A座




发表时间:2016-10-08 作者:杏彩体育 浏览次数:

举办时间:2016-10-10 19:00举办地点:研究生活动中心


2017 Cummins China Campus Hire has now kicked off with positions located cross China including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Wuxi, etc. Please find position information below or visit us at //cummins.quanzhi.com/ for more information.

2017康明斯校园招聘全面启动! 我们的招聘职位遍布在中国各大城市如北京,武汉,无锡,上海,广州等。职位信息如下。更多详情请访问我们的官方网站careers.cummins.com.

美国财富500强 Fortune 500 US Companies Ranking 154 in 2015

世界级独立发动机制造商 World Class Independent Engine Manufacturer

业务遍及190多个国家,600多家分销机构,7200多个经销商网点 We serve customers in over 190 countries with 600+ distributer locations and 7200+ dealer locations.

多元包容的杏彩体育,连续10年入选全球“多元化企业50强” Top 50 Companies for Diversity by DiversityInc for the 10th consecutive year.

连续十年入选道琼斯北美可持续发展指数榜 Listed in the Sustainability Board by Dow Jones for the 10th consecutive year.



Engineering Positions (Engine Related Majors)

2017 Campus Engineering北京校招技术工程岗(发动机专业)


从事与发动机产品技术开发或应用相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括发动机性能燃烧排放开发、售前产品应用技术、产品开发项目管理、机械工程开发、控制工程、产品设计、应用力学工程、测试工程等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering or product application engineering. Available positions: CPE Engineer, Application Engineer, Project Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Control Engineer, Design Engineer, Applied Mechanics Engineer, Test Engineer etc.


硕士或本科以上学历,发动机,内燃机,热能与动力, 动力机械及工程相关专业2017年应届毕业生(视岗位不同而不同) Master or Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Thermal Energy and Power,Power Machinery and Engineering or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Engineering Development Program Engineer

2017 Campus Engineering Development Program 校招工程岗管理培训生


Applies basic knowledge of engineering principles and practices to one or more of the following assigned tasks: specification, design, development, analysis, release, validation and maintenance of new and current products/subsystems through the product life cycle. Works effectively with other engineering disciplines and cross-functional teams.

Applies engineering and/or scientific skills to technical processes with support from experienced team members.

Participates as a team member, helps define/refine methods and actively contributes towards team goals.

Carries out engineering responsibilities using accepted methods and practical experience.

Demonstrates good understanding and applies knowledge of an engineering discipline.

Continues to develop capability to create solutions through training and experience.



Communication - Written and Verbal - Is able to effectively and clearly communicate in both written and verbal means.

7 Step Product Problem Solving Process - Understands the purpose, the steps, definitions, general requirements and the intended application of the process to resolve product problems and is able to interpret reports/results from problem solving efforts.

Integrated Design Failure Mode And Effects Analysis (IDFMEA) - Familiar with the overall iDFMEA process and the basic purposes of a boundary diagram, functional analysis, P-diagram, and the DFMEA. Able to read and understand the information on a previously completed iDFMEA.

Analyze Issues - Solid understanding of how to analyze issues. Demonstrates use of analysis skills to learn and analyze information in a timely way. Understands complex concepts and problems and identifies how they relate to key processes. Applies accurate logic in solving problems. Differentiates what is critical and what is important while not getting bogged down in details.

Project Management - Familiarity with the basic elements of project management

Engineering Standards - Familiar with basic elements of engineering standards and how they relate to the work. Understands what information can and cannot be obtained from an engineering standard. Knows when, where and how to get assistance with interpreting information on an engineering standard.

Innovate - Generates new ideas; goes beyond the status quo; recognizes the need for new or modified approaches; brings perspectives and approaches together, combining them in creative ways. Some knowledge or awareness of innovation. Approaches problems with curiosity and open mindedness. Generates new ideas within area of responsibility. Contributes own perspective in collaborative innovation efforts.

Intellectual Property - Understands what is meant by the term Intellectual Property (IP) and has some basic understanding the importance of protecting IP for both the corporation and the individual inventors.

Six Sigma - Understands the basic principles of the Six Sigma program and is a trained Green Belt.

Education, Licenses, Certifications

Master or Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Thermal Energy and Power, Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Power Machinery and Engineering or other related majors etc.


Minimal relevant work experience, such as internship, co-op, or other pertinent work experience in Engineering or Science field desired.

Engineering Positions (Engineering & Non-Engine major)

2017 Campus Engineering北京校招技术工程岗


从事与产品技术开发或应用相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括售前产品应用技术、产品开发项目管理、机械工程开发、电气工程开发、控制工程、产品设计、测试工程等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering or product application engineering. Available positions: Application Engineer, Project Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Control Engineer, Design Engineer, Test Engineer etc.


硕士或本科以上学历,电气工程及自动化、控制科学与工程、车辆工程、机械制造及自动化、统计学、数学等相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Master or Bachelor degree, major in Electrical Engineering & Automation, Control Science, Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Statistics, Mathematics or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Finance Positions

2017 Campus Hire – Finance Development Program Trainee 财务管理培训生

Finance Development Program (FDP) which is focus on entry level program for developing finance talent for Cummins China. Within 2 years the program will offer enriched working training opportunities in variable functions including internal control & audit, plant finance operation, business share service, planning forecasting and reporting, treasury & tax. 财务管理培训生项目是康明斯中国公司在应届大学毕业生中挑选并专项培养具有发展潜力的财务人才项目。培训项目将在2年内提供多种在岗培训机会,包括内控和内审,工厂运营财务管理,共享财务服务,计划预测和报告以及资金和税务管理。


Follow up the program rotation arrangement every 6 months 每6个月按照计划进行岗位轮换

Complete the job requirement on each function rotation at least within below working responsibilities 根据下列工作职责完成每个岗位工作要求

Involve assessment project of internal audit and internal control over process control, financial reporting, operation efficiency & effectiveness etc. within China territory.


Received a solid exposure to Cummins transactional accounting functions in month end closing process, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and AR,AP, inter-company accounting


Involved in month and quarterly fiscal process and provide advisory support to Sales & marketing, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Quality, Information Technology and Engineering groups. 参加月度季度结账流程,为市场营销采购、制造、质量和工程团队提供专业支持。

Responsible for Monthly & Quarterly financial reporting, variance analysis, project financial support to different BU or China level 为个事业部或中国区财务提供月度、季度财务报告,差异分析 ,已经事业部项目支持

Cash management, Foreign Exchange exposure management, credit control, tax filling & planning, tax compliance 参与现金管理,外汇风险管理,信用控制,税务合规性评审和税务策划.

Education /Certificate










Other Requirements



HR Positions

2017 Campus Hire Human Resources Development Program Trainee 人力资源管理培训生


康明斯人力资源管理培训生项目(Human Resources Development Program),将会为人力资源相关领域的人才提供新的职业发展通道。该项目为期两年,在此期间,培训生将会获得在组织发展、薪酬福利,招聘等不同人力资源模块以及北京、上海、武汉、无锡等不同工作地点轮岗的机会,帮助培训生全方位了解康明斯中国区人力资源的组织架构和工作流程,以便为培训生未来走向管理岗位积累经验和提升能力。










Sales & Marketing Positions

2017 Campus Hire Sales & Marketing Function 北京校招销售市场岗


从事与产品销售或市场营销相关的工作岗位,包括主机厂销售、售后市场销售、订单管理等岗位 Responsible for product sales or marketing related tasks. Positions available in OEM Sales, Aftermarket Sales and Order Management, etc.


本科以上学历,国际贸易、市场营销、工商管理、物流管理、供应链管理、汽车工程或其他相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Bachelor degree or above, with major in International Trading, Marketing, Business Management, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Vehicle Engineering or other related majors (requirements vary for different positions)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing


Engineering Positions (Major in Engine Related)

2017 Campus Engineering Function 技术工程部(发动机专业)


从事与发动机产品技术开发或应用相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括发动机性能燃烧排放开发、售前产品应用技术、产品开发项目管理、机械工程开发、控制工程、产品设计、应用力学工程、测试工程等Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering or product application engineering. Available positions: CPE Engineer, Application Engineer, Project Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Control Engineer, Design Engineer, Applied Mechanics Engineer, Test Engineer etc.


硕士或本科以上学历,发动机,内燃机,热能与动力, 动力机械及工程相关专业2017年应届毕业生(视岗位不同而不同)Master or Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Thermal Energy and Power, Power Machinery and Engineering or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Engineering Positions (Engineering or Non-Engine majors) 2017 Campus Engineering Function技术工程部


从事与产品技术开发或应用相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括售前产品应用技术、产品开发项目管理、机械工程开发、电气工程开发、控制工程、产品设计、应用力学工程、测试工程、CAD/CPE工程等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering or product application engineering. Available positions: Application Engineer, Project Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, Control Engineer, Design Engineer, Applied Mechanics Engineer, Test Engineer, CAD/CPE Engineer etc.


硕士或本科以上学历,电气工程及自动化、控制科学与工程、汽车电子、车辆工程、机械制造及自动化、材料等相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Master or Bachelor degree, major in Electrical Engineering & Automation, Control Science, Automotive Electronics, Vehicle Engineering, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Material Science or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing


Finance Positions

2017 Campus Hire – Finance Development Program Trainee 财务管理培训生

Finance Development Program (FDP) which is focus on entry level program for developing finance talent for Cummins China. Within 2 years the program will offer enriched working training opportunities in variable functions including internal control & audit, plant finance operation, business share service, planning forecasting and reporting, treasury & tax.



Follow up the program rotation arrangement every 6 months 每6个月按照计划进行岗位轮换

Complete the job requirement on each function rotation at least within below working responsibilities 根据下列工作职责完成每个岗位工作要求

Involve assessment project of internal audit and internal control over process control, financial reporting, operation efficiency & effectiveness etc. within China territory.


Received a solid exposure to Cummins transactional accounting functions in month end closing process, Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and AR,AP, inter-company accounting


Involved in month and quarterly fiscal process and provide advisory support to Sales & marketing, Purchasing, Manufacturing, Quality, Information Technology and Engineering groups. 参加月度季度结账流程,为市场营销采购、制造、质量和工程团队提供专业支持。

Responsible for Monthly & Quarterly financial reporting, variance analysis, project financial support to different BU or China level 为个事业部或中国区财务提供月度、季度财务报告,差异分析 ,已经事业部项目支持

Cash management, Foreign Exchange exposure management, credit control, tax filling & planning, tax compliance 参与现金管理,外汇风险管理,信用控制,税务合规性评审和税务策划.

Education /Certificate










Other Requirements



Engineering Positions

2017 Campus Engineering Function 无锡校招技术工程岗


从事与发动机产品技术开发或应用相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括发动机性能燃烧排放开发、售前产品应用技术、产品开发项目管理、机械工程开发、控制工程、产品设计、应用力学工程、测试工程等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering or product application engineering. Available positions: CPE Engineer, Application Engineer, Project Development Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Control Engineer, Design Engineer, Applied Mechanics Engineer, Test Engineer etc


硕士或本科以上学历,发动机,内燃机,热能与动力, 动力机械及工程相关专业2017年应届毕业生(视岗位不同而不同) Master or Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Thermal Energy and Power,Power Machinery and Engineering or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Sales & Marketing Positions

2017 Campus Hire Sales & Marketing Function 无锡校招销售市场岗



Responsible for product sales or marketing related tasks. Positions available in OEM Sales, Aftermarket Sales and Market Analysis, etc.


本科以上学历,国际贸易、市场营销、工商管理、财务管理、汽车工程或其他相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Bachelor degree or above, with major in International Trading, Marketing, Business Management, Finance Management, Vehicle Engineering or other related majors (requirements vary for different positions)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Supply Chain Positions

2017 Campus Supply Chain Management 无锡校招供应链岗


从事与供应商开发、原材料采购、物流管理等供应链领域相关的工作岗位,包括供应商开发工程师、采购工程师等 Responsible for tasks related to supplier sourcing, raw material purchasing, and logistics management. Positions available: Sourcing Specialist, Purchasing Engineer etc.



Master or Bachelor degree, with a major in Material Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engine, Vehicle Engineering or other related majors (requirements vary for different positions)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Information Technology Positions

2017 Campus Hire IT Function 无锡校招信息技术岗


从事与企业内部信息技术管理相关的工作,主要涉及ERP系统的维护与二次开发 Responsible to tasks related to IT management, mainly focusing on ERP maintenance and development


硕士或本科以上学历,计算机技术、软件工程、信息管理技术等 Master or Bachelor degree above, majored in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Management Technology or other related majors

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing

Financial Positions

2017 Campus Finance Positions 无锡校招财务岗


从事与财务、会计领域相关的工作岗位,包括财务管理培训生岗位(两年在康明斯中国不同子公司进行轮岗)以及会计岗位 Responsible for finance and accounting related tasks. Training in Finance Management (2-year rotation program in Cummins China) and Accounting are provided


硕士或本科以上学历,财务管理、会计、金融学或相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Master or Bachelor degree, with a major in Finance/Accounting or other related majors (requirements vary depending on the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing


Service Engineering Positions

2017 Campus Engineering 上海校招技术工程和技术销售岗


从事与产品技术开发、应用、销售相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括售前产品应用技术、服务工程、销售技术支持等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering, product application engineering or sales support. Available positions: Application Engineer, Service Engineer, Sales Specialist etc.


本科学历,发动机、车辆工程、机械工程、控制科学与工程、电气工程及自动化、机械制造及自动化等相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Vehicle, Mechanical Engineering, Control Science, Electrical Engineering & Automation, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Sales & Marketing Positions

2017 Campus Engineering 上海校招技术工程和技术销售岗


从事与产品技术开发、应用、销售相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括售前产品应用技术、服务工程、销售技术支持等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering, product application engineering or sales support. Available positions: Application Engineer, Service Engineer, Sales Specialist etc.


本科学历,发动机、车辆工程、机械工程、控制科学与工程、电气工程及自动化、机械制造及自动化等相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Vehicle, Mechanical Engineering, Control Science, Electrical Engineering & Automation, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing


Service Engineering Positions

2017 Campus Engineering 广州校招技术工程和技术销售岗


从事与产品技术开发、应用、销售相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括售前产品应用技术、服务工程、销售技术支持等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering, product application engineering or sales support. Available positions: Application Engineer, Service Engineer, Sales Specialist etc.


本科学历,发动机、车辆工程、机械工程、控制科学与工程、电气工程及自动化、机械制造及自动化等相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Vehicle, Mechanical Engineering, Control Science, Electrical Engineering & Automation, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

Sales & Marketing Positions

2017 Campus Engineering 广州校招技术工程和技术销售岗


从事与产品技术开发、应用、销售相关的工作岗位,根据不同岗位具体工作内容的不同侧重包括售前产品应用技术、服务工程、销售技术支持等 Responsible for tasks related to product development engineering, product application engineering or sales support. Available positions: Application Engineer, Service Engineer, Sales Specialist etc.


本科学历,发动机、车辆工程、机械工程、控制科学与工程、电气工程及自动化、机械制造及自动化等相关专业(视岗位不同而不同) Bachelor degree, major in Engine, Vehicle, Mechanical Engineering, Control Science, Electrical Engineering & Automation, Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation or other related majors etc. (requirements vary depending upon the specific position)

流利的英语听说读写能力 Fluent English skills in verbal comprehension, speaking, reading and writing

职能类别:市场/营销/拓展专员 技术研发工程师


If you need any assistance with the online job application, please send your CV to [email protected]

with CV title format set as ‘University Name + Major + Degree + Name + Expected Location’

更多信息请见康明斯中国的微信账号:康明斯中国,“康明斯与我 – 2017校招“ More information can be found at Cummins China WeChat public account under康明斯中国 “康明斯与我 – 2017校招”