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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
The Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia 2012 (ISGT-ASIA 2012) sponsored by the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) and hosted by Tianjin University, will be held during May 21-24, 2012 at Binhai International Convention & Exhibition Center in Tianjin, China.
The IEEE PES ISGT-ASIA 2012 conference organizing committee invites researchers and practitioners worldwide to exchange novel ideas, explore enabling technologies, discuss innovative designs, and share field trial experiences and lessons learnt. Prospective authors are invited to submit extended abstract for review and possible presentation under the main topics covered by the conference scope.
u Renewable Power Generation and Its Efficient Utilizations
u Smart Grid Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
u Smart Power Bulk Transmission Systems
u Smart Distribution Systems
u Smart Energy Utilizations
u Smart Grid Operation, Control and Protection
u Electricity Market of Smart Grid
u Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility
u Power Electronics and Its Applications
u Equipment and Its technologies in Power System
The list above is only indicative of the key areas of discussion but is not restrictive, and additional topics would be considered for submission.
Prospective authors are invited to submit an up to 3-pages extended abstract (with main figures, tables and references) in English, following the instructions provided on the conference website. Extended abstracts should clearly indicate the nature of the paper's technical/scientific contributions.
The material proposed in the accepted extended abstracts should then be developed in full papers of up to 6-pages . Submitted papers are subject to a rigorous and selective double-blind peer review; accepted papers will appear in electronic conference proceedings and will be archived in the IEEE Xplore system, then be indexed by the EI Compendex if at least one author registers (at the full registration rate) and the paper is presented at the conference.
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: 30th Octobor 2011
Acceptance Notification of Extended Abstracts: 30th December, 2011
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 28th February, 2012
Acceptance Notification of Full Papers: 31st March 2012
Final Manuscripts Submission Deadline: 20th April, 2012
Early Bird Registration Deadline: 30th April, 2012
General Chair :
Prof. Yixin Yu, China
Vice Chair:
Prof. Xiaoxin Zhou, China
Technical Programme Chair:
Prof. Chengshan Wang, China
Conference website ,
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +86-22-27892809